





SHB Books assists writers with:

eBook and print distribution

Affordable editor services

Beta readers and ARCs


SHB Books was established in 2021

It aims to support emerging writers who ​specialise in murder mysteries, sci-fi and ​fantasy.


If you are just starting out there are a ​lot of resources and activities you can ​undertake yourself including:

  • Contacting your local writers ​centre
  • Reading online material from ​sources such as the CreativePenn ​Podcast and Janice Hardy's Fiction ​University.
  • We also recommended that all new ​writers read/listen to Story Genius ​by Lisa Cron, 2000 to 10,000 by ​Rachel Aaron and Deep Point of ​View by Marcy Kennedy.

Submissions are closed

Thank you for considering SHB Books.

Submissions are currently closed.

So you’ve written a book – what next?

Although we’re a tiny independent publishing house, SHB ​Books often has windows of time where we accept unsolicited ​manuscripts. This means that whenever we’re open for novel ​submissions, if you have a completed work you would like to ​submit, you don’t need to ask an agent to contact us!

Accepted Genres:

  • Fantasy
  • Science Fiction
  • Steampunk
  • Crime
  • Romance

Age Ranges: Adult (in above genres)

Submission Guidelines

  • Word Count: maximum 30,000 words (non-negotiable)
  • Document Format: Microsoft Word, Google Docs or PDF
  • Include: Cover Letter (email body) / First 30,000 words
  • Send To: (We’ll give the email address when our novel ​submissions are open again)

  • Cover Letter Should cover:
    • Title of Work / Word Count / Genre
    • Author Name
    • Website / Social Media Info
    • Why you chose to submit your novel to SHB Books
    • Why you wrote it, what made it interesting to you?
    • Are there any other books or tv shows that would have ​a similar readership?

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